Hair Loss

Excessive hair loss can be concerning and a threat to healthy hair. Hair loss can be treated with appropriate medications. This collection is available for express delivery within 90 minutes exclusively for Dubai customers

The body sheds 100 hairs a day, which is normal. However, if you notice your hair shedding significantly more everyday than usual, it can be concerning. Hair fall may be caused due to the lack of a balanced diet, hereditary hair loss, child birth, stress factors, hormonal imbalances among other reasons. SouKare’s Hair Loss Collection aids in improving hair strength and maintaining more resilient, healthier and breakage-free hair. Choose the solution you’re looking for from a wide variety of well-established brands recommended by doctors, including Seba Med, Mcneil, and Migliorin among others

Shop for Hair Loss products under Pharmacy to reduce excessive hair shedding and repair hair, leaving it stronger and healthier. This collection includes specialized medications which treats Alopecia and also offers Minoxidil Gels & Solutions

souKare offers 6 products in Hair Loss collection. We offer free express shipping* on this collection, to most locations. We accept USD, GBP, EUR, AED, KWD, BHD and OMR currencies and all major credit cards on our website.