الحساسية والجيوب الأنفية

Symptoms of allergies and sinuses are common among many individuals. Their negative impact on the body can be reduced with specialized medications. Available for 90 minute delivery exclusively for Dubai customers

An allergy is the sudden negative response by the body to a substance, commonly food, dust or pollutants, causing the skin to be hypersensitive to the substance. Sinuses too are common in most individuals, which is a cavity in the nose lining that causes blockage, sore throat, headaches and a reduced sense of taste and smell. SouKare’s Allergy and Sinus Collection of products provides relief to the disturbed nose and allergies on the skin. Choose the solution you’re looking for from a wide variety of well-established brands recommended by doctors, including SpimacoCadilaAstrazeneca, among others

Shop for Allergy and Sinus products under Pharmacy to reduce harsh effects caused by symptoms. This collection includes specialized medications to treat Allergic Rhinitis and Sinus, and Antihistamines.

سوكير يعرض 76 منتج في فئة الحساسية والجيوب الأنفية. نحن نقدم الشحن السريع المجاني * في هذه المجموعة، إلى معظم المواقع. نقبل بعملات الدولار الأمريكي والجنيه الإسترليني واليورو والدرهم الإماراتي والدينار الكويتي والدينار البحريني والريال السعودي والريال العماني وجميع بطاقات الائتمان الرئيسية على موقعنا.