Bella One Day

Be a new you every day with the latest exclusive release - the Bella One Day Collection. Bella is a popular contact lens choice among customers in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Riyadh, Jeddah and the rest of UAE & GCC

Consistency is great, but it can get boring. Don’t you want to be a new you every day and steal the floor with your exciting choices? Bella’s brand new One Day Collection comprises of five different shades. Be spoilt for choice with Hazelnut, Crystal, Blue, Beige and Gray, with all colours made with a limbal ring

Whether you’re looking for a fancy pair of lens with power or simply wanting to switch up your eye colour without power, Bella’s One Day Collection is for you. Never get bored again as you wear and dispose one pair of lenses each day. One shade comes in 10 daily lenses, so once your stash is used, don’t miss out on the other wonderful colors out there!

Bella has a wide range of Contact Lenses that can be worn quarterly, aside from the new One Day Collection. Bestsellers include Bella Elite Amber Grey, Bella Elite Emerald Green and Bella Elite Lavender Grey

14 منتج متوفر في فئة Bella One Day في سوكير وبأسعار رائعة. نحن نقبل بعملات الدولار الأمريكي والجنيه الإسترليني واليورو والدرهم الإماراتي والدينار الكويتي والدينار البحريني والريال السعودي والريال العماني وجميع بطاقات الائتمان الرئيسية على موقعنا. نقدم الشحن السريع المجاني * في هذه المجموعة، إلى معظم المواقع.